Evangelist Amba, a Servant of God

Amba Ministries is focused on general intercessory breakthrough prayers, healing, counseling, deliverance and mentoring under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Fear The LORD

The Benefits. The Scripture tells us about the benefits of fearing the LORD. For example, Psalm 34:7 states that “The […]


The Book of James 1:12 tells us that “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been […]


Disobedience Are we truly obedient to The LORD? Because there are consequences for being disobedient. The book of Numbers 13 […]


How to keep or maintain our deliverance. The book of 1st Peter 2:9-10 tells us that “But you are a […]

Prayer and Praise.

LORD, Your power is ageless, Your power is limitless. I pray that Your great power cancels out wickedness and hate […]

Wait Patiently

The Book of Psalm 37:5 tells us to “Commit our way to The LORD; and wait patiently for Him, and […]