Do Not Be In The World

The Blood

Please do not be in the world, where there is so much darkness.

The book of 1st Peter 2:9-10 declares that “but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, who once where not a people but are now the people of GOD, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

The LORD has poured out His great mercy upon us His children, He mercy has been released, such a Merciful Father. His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 136, Psalm 138:8) We do not deserve it, but it is by His overwhelming grace.

1st Peter 2:25 also declares that “We were like a sheep going astray but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls.” Yes, we are no longer in satans’s territory, we now belong to Jesus Christ-He has bought us back with His shed blood on the Cross. (1st Corinthians 6:20, 1st Corinthians 7:23).

The book of Ephesians 2:13 says “But in Christ Jesus we who

were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Thank You LORD Jesus Christ for the Cross that You carried, Your flesh that was torn apart, thank You. You bled, You bled Lord Jesus because of us. Thank You Father. Much Love.

–Please do not be in the world:

Where there is no love, peace and joy.

Where there is hate, strife, so much alcohol and drugs that destroy.

Where people practice witchcraft. (to hinder and destroy).

Where individuals look down on people. (condescending)

Where there is much pride.

Where there are Male and female prostitution.

Where there is fake love, lies and deceit. (pretense)

Even some Pastors are in occult societies, what a shame. Please repent.(revelation).

The only way is Jesus Christ The Risen Savior, He will offer you what the world cannot offer you.

He stepped down into this darkness/wilderness for sake of love.

Carried the Cross for sake of love, that deep, great and intense love that we will never understand.

He died and suffered for our sake, our sins, our healing, deliverance and peace. Also, to reconcile man to GOD. He is not in the grave anymore, He is Risen. I know that because He taught me everything I know and He is still teaching and guiding me. Bless The LORD Oh my soul.

Do you want to know Him? Please repent and accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior.

In closing, since Jesus paid it all on the Cross, we are required to apply the blood, plead the blood all over our body, our household, dwelling place, finances and works of your hands, because there is great power in the blood of Jesus. Great cleansing power, and protection. (Job 1:10)

Please be kind towards one another, tender hearted.
