No More Anger.

Brothers and sisters, we are advised to be quiet, calm spirit and gentle in heart, be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

We must learn how to ignore most things that will lead to wrath and surrender all to Jesus, whose burden is light and whose yoke is easy. Please give it to Him.

Let them abuse you, but you must bless.

Let them gossip about you, but you must bless.

Let them hate you, but you must pray.

Be slow to speak because anger leads to arguments and hate, human anger leads to various things. God is the ultimate judge, so be longsuffering (patience), practice meekness, put aside anger, and do not give room to hatred, do not open the door of your heart to anger, because the anger of mankind does not produce righteousness.

Do not allow the sun to go down on your anger, do not allow the argument to linger, to prolong, especially in your heart. Please kill it.

Seek God as soon as you are angry. Seek the Lord immediately just like the disciples in the boat, pour your heart to Him, and speak to the person who has offended you gently, with honey on your lips.

Please learn how to respond with love, wisdom, soft spoken seasoned with salt and grace. (It is a gift, so ask for that).

Please do not gossip, nor mock anyone.

Praise The Lord!! Hallelujah!!