Evangelist Amba, a Servant of God

Amba Ministries is focused on general intercessory breakthrough prayers, healing, counseling, deliverance and mentoring under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Evangelist Amba, a Servant of God

The Grave is Empty.

Jesus Christ was “made manifest in the flesh” for the sake of love, (1st Timothy 3:16) because of the sins […]

Pride 2.

Brothers and sisters, God hates pride, one of the seven things the Lord hates is pride. Scripture tells us we […]

Be Still.

God says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted […]

Love 3

Brothers and sisters, God loves us so much that He carried the cross, was stripped naked, bruised head, bruised jaw, […]

True Giving.

Sacrifice. To sacrifice means to give from what you need to those who have a real need, and in that […]

Avoid Wickedness.

Scripture advises us to keep away from evil, from wickedness, for God hates the wicked. “Do not set foot on […]

Listening and Doing.

Brothers and sisters, Scriptures tells us to be slow to anger. As a servant of God, I am not allowed […]