
My brothers and sisters, our help only comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, and His hands are stretched out towards you and I, waiting that we may reach out to Him. Can you see Him? Can you see His hands? Please accept His loving hands, for He is love. He paid a very “High Price” He bought us back from Satan’s territory at a high price, His shed blood on the cross, we now belong to Jesus. (1 Corinthians 6:20) tells us “You were bought at a price.” And 1 Corinthians 7:23 declares “You were bought at a price.”

He is our provider, our healer, our deliverer, our Father, our Lord, and our God who destroys our enemies. Please focus on Him.

The book of Matthew tells us, He fed the five thousand and four thousand in a deserted place. He told the disciples, do not send them away, provide for them, and He did. Jesus is our provider, everything we need, and desire is in Him. He will always provide for us.

He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years, water to drink and bathe from the Rock that ran in dry places, meat, and Manna. Have you been able to ask? Please place your trust in Him, and not in a man.

Psalm 121 Affirm that our help comes from the Lord. “I lift my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Amen.

Our help surely comes from the Lord, no one else, but the Lord. Hallelujah!

Please do not loose sight of Jesus, He should be your priority. Our first true love who fights our battles and destroys our enemies.

The Lord has provided for me and my children over and over. He bought us back from satan’s territory at a very high price and His footsteps has been our pathway continuously. He is the reason I and my children are educated, He even helps me with my studies, strengthens me when I grow weary, lifts me up when I feel down, He healed my broken heart, and deposited His love in my heart. I must focus on His love.

Jesus also blessed me with boldness and confidence that I never had. What a loving Father. With tears in my eyes, I plead with you brothers and sisters, not to give up on Jesus.

Please trust in Him alone.